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Society without football

What would happen if, with the objective that people became more involved with politics, they took away football… and baseball and tv series and the large awards and all the things that distract people?



People would probably still not get involved. Although it is said that it is a civic duty, getting into political things is something that does not interest a lot of people. Whether it be for their shy or reserved personality, or for feeling disappointed by having participated and not having obtained what they wished, or simply for personal convictions, the truth is that people have the full right to not participate in politics. Of course they have to accept that others decide for them and respect their decisions.

But, what would happen if we all participated? Really, would that be the solution to have a good government?... maybe not necessarily. Besides, almost all of us know some stubborn, resented or intolerant individuals who it would definitely be better if they did not participate. History shows us that there have been great leaders that have reached their positions through twists of fate or simply by inheritance, while many who have been elected by large majorities have failed them emphatically, some due to ambition others due to incompetence and others more because they have been betrayed. The point is: How many of those really wanted to be in politics? If we could ask them, maybe they would respond with what happens to a large amount of successful professionals… “the truth is that even though I am good at this, I would rather be doing something else.”

That is why politics is complicated, because it entails human decisions and humans besides complicated are full of imperfections.

There’s nothing to worry about… Football will be safe!

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