College fairs are a valuable source of information
Kansas and Missouri both host a large number of college fairs from September through November, and several of them focus on the Kansas City metro area. College fairs are a great place for students and parents to learn about the options available in higher education.
“These fairs are the only place that students can visit with technical schools, community colleges, and private and public universities all in one place,” said Tricia Cline, director of admissions at Fort Hays State University.
“One of the biggest advantages of attending a college fair is you can gather information from a variety of institutions and get all of your questions answered at the same time,” she said.
She encourages all students to attend college fairs to start looking at their options and learn about the admission requirements at the schools they are interested in.
“If students start this process when they are sophomores and juniors, it will make the college selection process at the beginning of their senior year much easier,” she said.
Parents are always welcomed to attend to learn more about a variety of institutions.
Many students do not realize how many higher education opportunities there are for them to attend, said Cline, or they automatically assume they can’t afford to go to a certain school. The admissions representatives at college fairs can break down the cost of tuition and make sure students are aware of scholarship opportunities and application deadlines.
“At FHSU, we love to meet prospective students at college fairs because it is always great to put a name with a face, and even meet the parents in some cases,” she said. “After this meeting, my staff can stay in contact with the student and make sure they help the student through every step of the college selection and application process.”